domingo, 31 de janeiro de 2010


A experiência convenceu-me de que a vida com menos normas de mercado e mais sociais, seria mais satisfatória, criativa, realizadora e divertida. Na verdade, talvez traga parte do antigo civismo de volta às nossas vidas.

sexta-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2010


Talvez devêsse-mos começar por repensar os currículos escolares e ligá-los de forma mais óbvias aos objectivos sociais ( eliminação da pobreza e do crime, a defesa dos direitos humanos, etc ), tecnológicos ( incentivar a conservação da energia, exploração do espaço, a nanotecnologia, etc. ) e os médicos ( cura do cancro, diabetes, obesidade, etc. ) que nos preocupam enquanto sociedade. Deste modo, os estudantes, os professores e os pais passam a compreender a importância mais ampla da educação, e sentir-se-ão mais motivados e entusiastas. Também nos devemos empenhar em fazer da educação um objectivo próprio e não confundir o número de horas que os alunos passam na escola com a qualidade do ensino que obtêm.


In a land mark study presented in 2007 at the ACSM Annual Conference in New Orleans, scientist from the University of Texas prduced evidence that the whole-cereal and milk produced superior recovery after exercise to a specialised sports drink. What they found was that while both the sports drink and 100% whole-wheat flake cereal with skimmed milk raised blood glucose and insulin levels, significantly higher and also blunted the rise in blood lactate compared with sports drinks. The researchers also found that while glycogen storage was comparable between the two treatments, cereal and milk showed a significant advantage in protein synthesis and additional glycogen storage potencial.
Of course, the benefits don´t stop there; whole grain cereals are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fibre, which even the very best sports drinks wil fail to match. This makes cereal and milk potencial muh healthier option than sports drinks! Moreover, other recent research indicates that milk in itself can provide excellent recovery; not only does it contain rapidly digesting Whey and slower digesting casein proteins, it also contains naturally occurring milk sugars ( quick-releasing ) together with slower releasing complex carbohydrate.

quarta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2010


30 minutes after your long runs and every two hours for four to six hours afterward. Or, if you can eat or drink more often, every 15 to 30 minutes.
How Much?
1.5 grams per kilogram of body weight.
What Type?
Either glucose or sucrose. Since nutrientes from fluids are absorbed more quickly than from solid foods, you should initialy consume carbohydrates from fluids. Despite all of the highly-touted commercial sports drinks, you´ll benefit from any drink that contains lots of carbohydrates. A research published in International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism in 2006 has show that even chocolate milk, with its carbohydrate content, is effective as a post-exercise recovery drink.